I'm back to this forgotten blog... finally... after like i have no idea how long... lets see... as of late... other then the fact that the xams are over...*very old news* i got into sparc.. *quite old news* and oh well... they're so annoying... casue of that i have to miss the so excitiong class party cause if i dont go for the first day of that stoopid camp they'll "cancel my name off the list for sparc" bleah... ass holes...
anyway... for much nore recent news.... parents left to africa or wherever that place is on sunday... uh yay... freedom for one whole week....oh well... yesterday went to watch the forgoten with my beloved mother may... galfren... pretty ok movie... not very stoopid... at least they did the one thing my mom always complain police in movies never do... shoot the leg... *seesh* watever la... anyway.. chatted for awhile and then we parted... but highlight of the day was..: i got may in a skirt... hey she looked good man... so all guys... please take your que no. and wait your turn... anyway... i guess that was about it... then well... needless to say we chatted away on the phone later theat night or maybe i should say early the next morning... and yess... we were self discolsing for a while then her phone died...
anyway it ends with me waking up in the afternoon... missed my mom's call from africa in the morning... she left a msg with my maid asking if i actually slept in a godly hour... just kept quiet... dont wanna loose my phone... ah well thats about it...